Eurodesk Lębork Youth

  • promoting local and international volunteering and informing about opportunities created by participation in European Union projects aimed at young people in primary and secondary schools:
  • getting and giving information concerning ESC, voluntary work, possibilities of studying and going abroad for the youth
  • helping with: preparing application forms – action A1, searching for information about projects, project participants, running international projects, exchanges, training courses, seminars
  • preparing presentations and publications about crucial ESC issues, European mobilities and running workshops at schools
  • taking part in various promotional events
  • uploading info about projects and voluntary work on EDUQ’s webpage, Funpage wolontariusze europejscy Lębork, running a blog
  • running language classes in the native language and implementing own initiatives

Duration: 10-12 months

Eurodesk Lębork Youth grafika